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Frequently Asked Questions

What is fluoride? What is fluoridation? What are the benefits? Is it safe? ... your questions answered

Dispelling Myths

Many inaccurate claims about fluoride's risks are repeated so often they are treated as fact. The Ontario Dental Association debunks some of the common myths about fluoridation with this fact sheet. ...Community Fluoridation: Myths and Facts

Oral Health in Simcoe and Muskoka

In 2006, Canadians spent $9.7 billion on dental care. Health status reports, issued at least once a year, provide compilations of research on various health issues in Simcoe and Muskoka. This report focuses on the dental health of local communities. Among its findings: fluoridated communities do better than non-fluoridated communities. the report

Fluoride discontinued in Tottenham - letter to healthcare providers from the MOH

References and Position Papers

A position statement ratified by the Simcoe Muskoka District Board of Health on April 15 affirms public health's long-standing support of municipal water fluoridation as a cost-effective, universal means of improving dental health for the entire population. 

The document (PDF) for the link is in the JFY HCP document library. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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