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Playground Safety

Playgrounds can be great places for children to be active and healthy. They are a place where children can run, jump, climb, slide, and play with others. Active play helps a child to learn and problem solve in their world.

Natural areas such as parks, forests, meadows, and gardens encourage a variety of play and physical activity. Getting outside for play also supports your child to be active longer, move in different ways (like balancing on logs and building forts), and benefits your child’s healthy development and wellbeing.

Active outdoor play, when appropriate with your child’s age and development, helps children to test and expand their physical skills and learn to avoid and adjust to more challenging settings and activities. The key is to find the balance between active supervision, while giving your child opportunities to explore. Play should be as safe as needed, not as safe as possible.

Visit the link below for more safety considerations and tips for playgrounds and play spaces, built playgrounds, trampolines, and unstructured outdoor play.


Parachute - Playgrounds and Play Spaces English / Francais 

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