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Emergency Preparedness

Incident Management

What is an incident or emergency?

Incidents or emergencies are situations, or imminent circumstances, that may occur slowly or suddenly without warning and affect property, the health, safety, and welfare of a community.

Public health uses a flexible and integrated system that provides a shared framework for collaboration with emergency response agencies, government, and health and non-health sector organizations for the management of incidents and emergencies.

Incident Management System (IMS)

The Incident Management System is used to facilitate the management of public health services to respond to incidents or emergencies with public health impact. This tool can be used to effectively manage any size incidents including multi-jurisdictional incidents or emergencies. IMS improves communication, coordinates resources, and facilitates cooperation and coordination between agencies.

Emergency Planning

Public health emergency planning allows for the evaluation of risk, creations of plans, and the implementation of measures to be better prepared.

Through engagement and collaboration, we have developed the following emergency plans and modules:

Local Emergency Response Plans

Below are the links to several local plans. If your municipality is not listed, visit your municipality's website or municipal office to view their local plan.

Separated cities:

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