Agency/Service | Contact Information | Description of Service |
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit:
Healthy Babies Healthy Children | 1-877-721-7520 | For women and their families in the prenatal period, and families with
children from birth until their transition to school. Program offers
support in the home to children and parents identified with
difficulties to help with healthy pregnancy, feeding (including
breastfeeding), nutrition education, healthy child development, baby
care, safety, adjusting to parenthood, and more. Self-referral is
encouraged. |
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit:
Sexual Health | 1-877-721-7520 | Confidential sexual health counseling. |
211 Ontario | Dial 211 or 1-866-743-7818 | Find local community programs and supports, i.e. prenatal education, doulas, lactation consultants, dietitians, First Nations, Metis, Inuit or Francophone services, 24 hours, 7 days a week. |
Barrie Native Friendship Centre:
Healthy Babies Health Children | 705-721-7689 ext. 215 | Indigenous culturally based supports to Indigenous families. Working with families and their children with physical, mental, emotional and social issues including prenatal support and supports for children ages 0 to 6.
Canadian Mental Health Association Simcoe County | 1-888-893-8333 |
Full care system for those with addictions and mental health issues in
Simcoe County /Muskoka District. Services available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Call to speak with a professionally trained mental health and addictions
counselor. |
Canadian Mental Health Association Simcoe County: Umbrella's Treatment Program | 705-726-5033 | Free confidential counseling, assessment, referral and support for women who are pregnant/newly parenting and struggling with their own or someone else's alcohol/substance use. |
CFS Counselling & Wellbeing
| 1-888-726-2503 | In-person and virtual counselling - individual, couple, family, youth by appointment serving Simcoe Muskoka.
County of Simcoe
| 1-800-263-3199 | Children Services, Community and Social Services, Ontario Works and Housing information/support. |
Envisage Pregnancy Services
| 705-739-7280 | Provides support to anyone facing unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy related difficulty. Free, confidential.
| 811 (TTY 1-866-797-0007) Health811 | Free, secure, confidential service 24 hours, 7 days a week for non-urgent health questions and concerns. Talk with a health professional by phone or chat online.
Mothercare / Baby Steps / Next Step / CAPC - Simcoe County
| Barrie/Innisfil/Angus 1-877-803-3227 ext. 2236 | Mothercare is offered to pregnant individuals. Baby Steps is for families with children 0-12 months. Next Step is for families with 12-36 month olds. Programs are offered both inperson and virtually in Simcoe County to those living on a limited annual income. Registration required.
Regional Sexual and Domestic Assault Treatment Centre | 1-877-377-7438 | Prompt, confidential and individualized care and treatment. Also offering risk assessment, safety planning, referrals and follow up. |
Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions | 1-800-461-4236 | Information, support and services to protect children and strengthen families. |
Smokers' Helpline | 1-877-513-5333 | Free and confidential one-to-one support with a trained Quit Coach. |