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Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) is free and voluntary program funded by the Government of Ontario and delivered by your local Public Health Unit. The purpose of the HBHC program is to help children get a healthy start in life through home visits from a Public Health Nurse (PHN) and a Family Home Visitor (FHV).

HBHC provides home visiting services to eligible pregnant individuals and families with children from birth up to their transition to school, who may benefit from additional support. PHNs and FHVs visit with families to provide information and support, build family strengths, address, and minimize risk factors that can impact healthy growth and development, and to connect families with other community programs. Client consent to participate in the program is required as participation in HBHC is voluntary.

PHNs and FHVs work together with families to address their goals and provide support in the following areas:


All postpartum clients are to be offered the opportunity to be screened and referred to the HBHC program while in the hospital, prior to being discharged. Ask your nurse or midwife about being screened for the HBHC program when you have your baby.

Families can also connect with the HBHC program during their pregnancy, or anytime after they have their baby up until their child is ready for school.

If you would like to participate in the HBHC Program or if you have questions or concerns about you or your baby or child, you can call us at 705-721-7520, Toll-Free: 1-877-721-7520 Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., or via our online form:

Healthcare and Social Service Providers can also refer families to the HBHC program. Referrals from third parties are accepted with client consent. If you are a Healthcare Provider or a Social Service Provider and are looking to refer a client, please fully complete the HBHC screen and send by fax to 705-734-9265.

Families wishing to receive HBHC program services in languages other than English can access interpretation services through a third-party provider contracted by the HBHC program.

Please note: referral to the program does not guarantee home visiting service for clients. Eligibility for the home visiting program is based on assessments completed by a Public Health Nurse at the time of referral.

The Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program is also available to help Indigenous children start a healthy life in ways that honour and respect Indigenous culture and beliefs. The Indigenous HBHC program is offered in communities across Ontario, and is delivered through a variety of Indigenous service providers:

Simcoe County Indigenous HBHC Programs: 

Muskoka District Indigenous HBHC Programs:

  • Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children: Laura Hansman, RN, BScN - Community Health Nurse, Parry Sound Health Centre. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Indigenous Services Canada. Contact at 705-756-5807 or email at [email protected].

Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) clients may contact the organization of their choosing.

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