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Body Image Elementary School Curriculum

Body image and self-esteem begin to develop early in life and are heavily influenced by caregivers, peers and the social environment children grow up in. Individuals who have a healthy body image and self-esteem are more resilient to the daily stresses and challenges that they may face in life.

Negative body image and self-esteem can have serious effects on health. Left unrecognized, negative thought patterns and resulting behaviours can lead to conditions such as depression, stress, anxiety and eating disorders.

Body image refers to the way we feel about our physical bodies. 

  • Positive body image: a person feels comfortable, confident and happy with their body.

Self-esteem is closely tied to body image. It refers to how worthy and confident a person feels. It also refers to the level of self-respect a person has for himself or herself.

  • Positive self-esteem:  a person feels confident in their abilities, has respect for themselves and is proud of who they are.
  • National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) – information and resources about eating disorders and weight preoccupation. Promotes healthy lifestyles as an alternative to dieting and the destructive cultural emphasis on appearance. Some French resources.
  • TeachBodyImage - for teachers with resources, lessons and strategies to address body image issues facing children in Kindergarten to Grade 8.
  • The Student Body: Promoting Health at Sick Kids - teacher training module for Grades 4 to 6 to develop positive body image and reduce their risk for developing unhealthy eating behaviours.
  • Dove Self-Esteem Project - resources for teachers aimed at 11-14 year olds that promote body confidence looking at the media’s influence on body image and self-esteem.
  • At My Best – is a free comprehensive, curriculum-supported toolkit focusing on physical activity, healthy eating and emotional well-being for JK to Grade 6.
  • Weight Bias at Home and School - video to increase awareness about weight bias.
  • NEDIC Beyond Images – Self-esteem and body image curriculum for Grades 4 through 8 to address critical media literacy, digital citizenship, body-based bullying, and more.
  • Media Smarts:  variety of lessons and resources to address body image, gender stereotypes and the influence of media.
  • Ophea: H&PE Curriculum Resources– for Grades 1 to 8 consistent with the 2015 H&PE Curriculum: Movement Competence & Active Living, and Healthy Living.

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