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Child Care

Local licensed child care centres are supported by the health unit in relation to health and safety standards including food safety and infection prevention and control measures. We want to keep children in your care and your staff healthy and safe by providing information on important public health topics that are relevant to your daily child care operations. 

Contact Us:

Business hours for the Simcoe Muskoka District Health unit are Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Phone Number: 705-721-7520

  • Infectious Diseases Team extension 8809
  • Immunizations use extension 8807
  • For reports of animal bites/scratches use extension 8811

To report emergencies after hours such as outbreaks, diseases of public health significance or animal bites, please call: 1-888-225-7851

Hot Topics

The Child Care Connection newsletters is published each Fall and Spring.



Review the outbreak section of the website to find out what you need to do when there is an increase in illnesses at your centre and what resources are available to support you through this time. 

The quality of the air that we breathe has significant impact on our health in the long and short term. Outdoor air quality is affected by different types of air pollutants from a variety of sources including vehicle emissions, wildfires and energy production and usage.  You can find out more information regarding outdoor air quality on our website here

Some people, including young children, are more at risk of health impacts from heat or cold. It is important to be aware of and prepare for extreme temperature events.  We notify the public, and our centre operators, when there are heat and extreme cold warnings issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada. More information on extreme temperatures can be found on our website here

Be aware of the foods that are being served to children within your centres. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit advises child care operators to subscribe to the Canadian Food Inspection Agencies Alerts to be aware of food recalls that may affect their centre. Food recall warnings and allergy alerts can prevent food borne illnesses or a serious allergic reaction. 

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