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Child Care Centre Policies

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) requires all child care centres to have policies to assist staff in making decisions around infection prevention and control (IPAC) and food safety. Policies should be well written, practical and specific to the individual centre.

SMDHU requires all centres to have policies on the following topics: 

  • Infectious Diseases and reporting Diseases of Public Health Significance including outbreaks
  • Isolation and exclusion of ill persons
  • Infection prevention and control practices
    • When and how to perform hand hygiene
    • When and how to wear and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
    • Diapering and toileting procedures
    • Environmental cleaning and disinfection
  • Animals and animal bites
  • Outbreak surveillance, identification and management
  • Immunization documentation 
  • Emergency preparedness and contingency plans

SMDHU sets minimum IPAC requirements, however, the format and general content of the policies is at the discretion of the centre operator. 

SMDHU has created a Policy Development Tool to assist operators with creating policies. If you are looking for further clarification regarding SMDHU required policies, please contact your local public health inspector. 

SMDHU reviews policies bi-annually to ensure content is up to date, accurate and easy to interpret.  In January of each calendar year, SMDHU will communicate with the centre what policies will be reviewed for that year. Centres should then review the requested policies, ensure they are up to date and submit.  Policies can be submitted to SMDHU through one of the following methods: 

  • Hard copy policies can be dropped off at either our Barrie (15 Sperling Drive) or Gravenhurst (2-5 Pineridge Gate) office locations indicating
    attention to your local health inspector. 
  • Electronically to [email protected]
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