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Sun Safety Resources for Educators

Since children spend a large portion of the day at school it is essential to not only provide education about the importance of sun safety but also to consider how the school can provide a sun safe environment for children when they are outdoors. During the school day it is important that children be active and get fresh air, but the health concern of over exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) needs to be addressed. One in seven children born today will develop skin cancer in the future. The health risks associated with excessive sunlight (UV) are largely preventable! As an Educator, you are an important role model and in a unique position to start the conversation about the importance of UV radiation protection.
  • SunSmart Resources for Schools and Early Childhood – At this Australian website you will find a variety of classroom resources that can be used to support teaching students about sun safety, including free lesson plans, downloadable activities, posters, songs, and videos.
  • Ottawa Public Health Sun Safety lesson plans – Suggested for Grades K to 4. Please note that some of the statistics mentioned in the background information of the plans are specific to the Ottawa region and that some of the resources listed may not be available from your local health unit:

  • SunSense -is a national sun safety program developed by the Canadian Cancer Society, with the goal of reducing the number of people diagnosed with skin cancer in Canada. The program supports Canadian elementary schools to create a sun safe environment that protects students and staff from harmful ultraviolet radiation. SunSense provides free tools and resources to elementary schools to enable the development and implementation of comprehensive sun safety plans that include education, policy and shade. By completing actions schools earn points towards earning a SunSense Certification.
  • Sun and Ultraviolet Radiation – The Canadian Cancer Society’s website contains credible background information on sun safety topics such as indoor tanning, the UV index, preventing skin cancer, vitamin D supplements and more.
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