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Food and Nutrition Resources for Elementary Educators

Educators play an important role in encouraging students to develop a lifelong healthy relationship with food by teaching nutrition in a positive way. Building food skills and familiarity with a variety of foods is one of the best ways that nutrition education can support students to feel positive about eating and learn to enjoy nutritious foods, over time and at their own pace.

Educators should follow the principle “first, do no harm” and ensure that the learning environment is always physically and emotionally safe. Create an atmosphere in which students of all body shapes and sizes, abilities, and backgrounds feel accepted, comfortable, and free from harassment. Be aware of issues such as food insecurity and poverty, food allergies and sensitivities, eating disorders and weight preoccupation and social and cultural practices in order to ensure sensitivity to the topics presented. (The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education, 2019 - revised (

  • TVO Kids - TVO’s Ontario certified teachers have developed an overview of the curriculum from Kindergarten to grade 8, as well as engaging videos, articles, podcasts, games and activities to support learning.
  • Let’s Meet the Garden Scavenger Hunt – interactive activity for JK/SK students to find items in the garden and in the schoolyard. 
  • Healthy Eating Education Activities (PHE Learning Centre) – healthy eating education activities for kindergarten to grade 12 at home or at school.
  • You're the Chef (YTC) - A cooking program designed to help youth develop the skills and confidence necessary to prepare healthy and tasty recipes.
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