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Community Partners with Schools

Community Partners with Schools (COMPASS) - Simcoe County:

COMPASS is an initiative of the Child Youth and Family Services Coalition of Simcoe County.

COMPASS teams help schools enhance student learning, support healthy child/youth development and reduce social, emotional or behavioural challenges within schools.

Eight COMPASS teams exist across Simcoe County, linking elementary and secondary schools with local providers of school programs and services, including:

  • Parenting supports
  • Child and youth mental health
  • Child protection
  • Health
  • Youth justice
  • Community recreation and more.
Participation in COMPASS supports schools and community partners to work together to best serve children, youth and families.  Meetings are held regularly during the school year.  Please contact the Coalition if you would like more information or to be connected to your local COMPASS team.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board's Community Partners Breakfast Meetings - Muskoka:

The TLDSB invites community partners from across Muskoka to meet annually, in order to share information and updates on programs and resources they offer to schools and the community. School board representatives in attendance communicate relevant information to school principals.

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