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46 search results for water quality

Climate Action
and for your health. Conserve Water and Energy Adjusting your behaviour to conserve energy and water can, your home more comfortable. Conserving energy and water is a great way to reduce your impact, quality of life and improves health outcomes, increases physical activity and social wellbeing
Where You Live and Your Health
health-related aspects of your life, such as your level of physical activity, the quality of the air you breathe, the cleanliness of the water you drink and your overall sense of well-being, , which produces run-off that can negatively affect groundwater quality. People are more likely to meet
Creating Healthy Places
playgrounds Join an environmental group working to improve water and air quality Talk to recreation, Active Transportation Air Quality Road Safety Food Access Become familiar with your
Optimizing your health
such as physical activity levels, ability to control pain, quality of social connections, and our diet. Check out, older their bodies metabolize alcohol differently due to the reduction in body mass and water, or emotionally there are supports for you. Pain negatively impacts our mental and physical quality of life, is having on your quality of life.There are assessment tools that can be used to help you communicate, enough water, can lead to dizziness and other health concerns. Use Canada’s Food Guide to help you
Climate Change in Simcoe Muskoka
, and the economy are all affected and interconnected. Changes to the environment (e.g., water quality) have an influence on health (e.g., increased risk of water-borne diseases) and the economy (e.g., communities. Increased temperatures are associated with an increase in food- and water-borne illnesses, change in Canada. Damage Control: Reducing the costs of climate impacts in Canada Under Water, Climate and Source Water Protection Data ( Climate Atlas of Canada
Extreme Heat
change air, water, food quality and safety. Heat can increase rates of some diseases. Heat events stress, . Water is best. Heat stroke is a medical emergency! If you are caring for someone who has a high, if possible- Removing excess clothing- Applying cold water to the skinHealth Canada provides further, coverage, and places with water features (public pool, beach, splash pad).If you live alone or need, of water, even if you don't feel thirsty.Dress for the weather. Wear loose-fitted, light-coloured clothing
In Our Region
and illnesses, as well as community-wide emergencies. Poor air quality can lead to increases in respiratory, . Changing weather will also affect water and food safety, and the ability to grow food.Warming temperatures
Climate Action and Opportunities
quality, physical activity, mental health, road safety, food security and nutrition, water quality, must address the root causes of vulnerability (e.g., access to safe food, water, shelter, clean air
Board Orientation Manual
"that a high quality health care system is one that is accessible, appropriate, effective, efficient, on physical and mental health related to extreme weather, extreme temperature, air quality, infectious diseases, water and food impacts, ultraviolet radiation, degraded determinants of health and expanding, to provide the public with information about inspections at food premises, child care, recreational water facilities, recreational camps, personal service settings and drinking water systems in Simcoe County
Containing press releases, public service announcements, regular columns, and resources for journalists, editors and the general public.
healthy and enjoyable. Full story Be informed about water quality before heading to the beach, premises, licensed child care centres, recreational water facilities, recreational camps, , March 13, 2024. Full story Boil water advisory lifted for Friday Harbour Resort Mar 14, 2024 SIMCOE – The Boil Water Advisory issued, Health Unit. Full story Boil water advisory issued for Friday Harbour Resort

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