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Sexual Health

Sexual Health - Secondary

The healthy sexuality resource included are identified as a reference for educators. You will need to follow your board/school directions related to the delivery of curriculum and selection of materials that are appropriate for student handouts.

Organized on a grade by grade basis, each curriculum expectation is numbered according to the Ontario Curriculum, Health and Physical Education, 2015 (revised), resources that are specific to each expectation are listed following the curriculum, resources that provide information related to several expectations are listed at the end of all expectations for the specific grade.  General resources for educators, parents and students have also been compiled following the grade by grade themes that follows.

If you have any questions or can provide additional resources please feel free to contact the Sexual Health Program at the Simcoe Muskoka District Health unit at 705.721.7520 or toll free 1.877.721.7520

H&PE C1.4

  • describe the relative effectiveness of various methods of preventing unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS (e.g., avoiding oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse; delaying first sexual intercourse; using protection, including barrier and hormonal methods, to prevent unintended pregnancy; using condoms and dental dams to protect against STIs), and identify sources of information and support (e.g., doctor, nurse practitioner, public health unit, parents, credible and accurate websites)


Resources and links:

ABC’s of Abstinence – Haldimand Norfolk HU -

It’s Time to Talk booklet  (Society of Obstetrician and Gynecologists of Canada publication) provides an overview of male and female anatomy,  Birth Control and Sexually Transmitted infections (STIs), reviews myths and truth related to STIs, and unplanned pregnancy as well as worksheets for students to test their knowledge.

SexandU Contraception  Produced by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada this resource provides information about hormonal, non-hormonal and barrier methods of contraception available in Canada.

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit; Sexual Health Clinic  is staffed by Public Health Nurses and physicians to offer clinic services in a variety of locations in Simcoe County and the District of Muskoka.  In addition, services are provided by phone staffed by Public Health Nurses who specialize in Sexual Health.

SMDHU Demo Kits are a collection of materials that can be used to facilitate and demonstrate various birth control options, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention methods including condoms and condom demonstrators as well as teaching tools, games and presentations that will assist educators.

Teaching Sexual Health  Produced by Alberta Health Services.  This resource provides lesson plans in English and French as well as interactive teaching tools.  The curriculum may not completely align with the Ontario H&PE curriculum, but it does offer educators a variety of tools to use within it.

Public Health Agency of Canada produces the STI Booklet that provides an overview of all Sexually Transmitted Infections, symptoms, how to get tested and treatment. Order of download a PDF version at:  CATIE Ordering page


H&PE C1.5

  • demonstrate an understanding of factors (e.g., acceptance, stigma, culture, religion, media, stereotypes, homophobia, self-image, self-awareness) that can influence a person’s understanding of their gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify sources of support for all students [PS]



It’s Pronounced Metrosexual is an online resource where advocates of social justice can find helpful articles, fun graphics, and other resources designed to be shared in an effort to advance social equity.  It’s a site that helps people help others be better people.

The Gilbert Centre is a community-based, not-for-profit, charitable organization that has been providing programs and services as the AIDS Committee of Simcoe County for over 25 years. In 2015, in part to recognize the reality of people with HIV not developing AIDS, but living health lives with HIV, the organization changed its name from the AIDS Committee to the Gilbert Centre for Social and Support Services. The Gilbert Centre, named after a founder Ed Gilbert, not only reflects the change in HIV, but also embraces the expansion of programming to serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender individuals and families in the Simcoe Muskoka area.

Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program working to improve access to services and promote the health of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (2S-LGBTQIA+) communities. We provide valuable resources for all stakeholders including: community groups, service providers, researchers, policy makers and educators.

Interligne is a first response centre that provides help and information to those concerned with sexual orientation and gender diversity.


H&PE C2.2

demonstrate an understanding of the skills and strategies needed to build healthy social relationships (e.g., peer, school, family, work) and intimate relationships [PS, IS]



Consent: Which Path Would YOU Take?  This interactive PowerPoint presentation allows the class to choose different paths in a relationship.

Understanding Consent; Tea Consent this short YouTube video explains consent in a light-hearted way that makes the concept quite clear.

Age of Consent for Sexual Activity in Canada/Ontario, get the facts from the Justice Department of the Government of Canada.



H&PE C2.3

  • apply their knowledge of sexual health and safety, including a strong understanding of the concept of consent and sexual limits, and their decision-making skills to think in advance about their sexual health and sexuality [PS, CT]



Understanding Consent; Tea Consent this short YouTube video explains consent in a light-hearted way that makes the concept quite clear

Best Start - My life my plan - This booklet is for teens. It will help them think about how the decisions they make today can help them live a healthy and happy life now and in the future.  This booklet will guide them through six topics that will help them build their life plan.


Curriculum Connection

H&PE C2.5

  • describe factors that influence sexual decision making (e.g., personal values, having limits and being able to communicate them, being aware of and respecting the limits set by others, peer and family expectations, having physical and emotional desires, media messages, myths and norms related to sexual activity or safer sex practices, participation in activities such as substance use that impair judgement), and demonstrate an understanding of how to use decision-making and communication skills effectively to support choices related to responsible and healthy sexuality [PS, IS, CT]



Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Relationship Quiz: Assists in assessing the state of personal relationships and identifying when and where to seek help.

Sexual and romantic relationships are an important part of life. No matter what your relationship status is, Planned can help you keep things healthy and safe.

Best Start - My life my plan  This booklet is for teens. It will help them think about how the decisions they make today can help them live a healthy and happy life now and in the future.  This booklet will guide them through six topics that will help them build their life plan.

Age of Consent for Sexual Activity in Canada/Ontario, get the facts from the Justice Department of the Government of Canada.

Understanding Consent; Tea Consent this short YouTube video explains consent in a light-hearted way that makes the concept quite clear.

Alberta Health Lesson Plans: Personal Values & Decision Making Learning Outcomes:  Examine the relationship between commitment and intimacy in all its levels.  Identify expectations and commitments in various relationships.  Examine a range of behaviours for handling sexual involvement.


H&PE C3.4

  • describe some common misconceptions about sexuality in our culture, and explain how these may cause harm to people and how they can be responded to critically and fairly [CT]




MediaSmarts (formerly known as Media Awareness Network) is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Their vision is that children and youth have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens.  MediaSmarts has been developing digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Through their work they support adults with information and tools so they can help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need for interacting with the media they love.

The Idealized Male Body: The Effect of Media Images on Men and Boys  A significant proportion of images in the media involve some element of sexuality and present idealized body images for both males and females. Research on the sexualization of young women in the media has highlighted the effects that such messages have on the mental and physical health of women and girls. Boys and young men are also influenced bysexualized images and messages conveyed by various media sources. Studies are beginning to explore the particular challenges that young men face when presented with daily media messages about the ideal male body and appearance.  In this issue of Check the Research, some of these recent studies about male body image and the media will be discussed.

Rainbow Health Ontario  Community members and advocates can find information here to better understand 2S-LGBTQIA+ health as well as resources that were created to inform policy and encourage positive space. Search the latest news, view our resources on a wide range of topics or visit the research and policy area of the website to see RHO’s work on advisory committees and partnerships.


H&PE C3.5

  • explain how being in an exclusive relationship with another person affects them and their relations with others (e.g., personal benefits such as learning about oneself, emotional comfort and security, sense of belonging; impact on peer relationships, family relationships, time management, homework, choice of activities; feelings and challenges involved in ending a relationship) [PS, IS, CT]



Relationships Lesson 1; Learning Outcome: Examine various attitudes, values and behaviours for developing meaningful interpersonal relationships.

More than Friends; Dating and Healthy Relationships Lesson Plan from Alberta Health.  Learner Outcomes: Examine various attitudes, values and behaviours for developing meaningful interpersonal relationships.

SexandU 2S-LGBTQIA+:  Talks about sexual identity, sexual orientation, coming out, and provides information about respect and awareness.

Understanding Consent; Tea Consent this short YouTube video explains consent in a light-hearted way that makes the concept quite clear.

Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick  has produced  No Means No; Understanding Consent to Sexual Activity Booklet that is a comprehensive Question and Answer style information booklet to assist with understanding the law around consent to sexual activity.

Age of Consent for Sexual Activity in Canada/Ontario, get the facts from the Justice Department of the Government of Canada.

Curriculum Connection

H&PE C2.3

  • describe how their understanding of factors that affect reproductive and sexual health (e.g., environmental factors, genetics, injuries, disabilities, hormonal levels, nutrition, substance use, sexually transmitted infections) and their knowledge of proactive health measures and supports (e.g., measures such as breast and testicular examinations, Pap tests, regular medical check-ups, stress management techniques, genetic testing; supports such as trusted adults, local clinics, a local public health unit, a nurse practitioner/doctor) can be applied to avoid or minimize illness [PS, CT]



Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit – Sexual Health Clinic

Cancer Care Ontario:   Information about Pap Tests  brought to you by Ontario Public Health, provides information related to relationships, general sexual health as well as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and Birth Control as well as a function to assist with finding a clinic near you and on-line live chat

Mobyss (12-25) - The Mobile Youth Walk-In Clinic (MOBYSS) offers a safe space to talk to a medical or mental health professional in a warm, welcoming, and friendly environment. The mobile walk-in clinic is staffed by a nurse practitioner, youth mental health worker, and peer support specialist. Our services are 100% free and confidential with staff who are caring and non-judgmental. A health card is not required and there are no referral requirements.


 H&PE C3.4

  • describe how to use personal and interpersonal skills to deal with personally stressful situations or to help others deal with stressful situations (e.g., mental and physical illness, death of a family member, abusive relationships, understanding and accepting sexual orientation, separation/divorce, suicide, unemployment/underemployment, substance abuse) [PS, IS]



Mental Health - Teen Health Source Teen Health Source by Planned Parenthood Toronto is a is a sexual health information service run for and by youth. Teen Health Source offers live peer education services in addition a comprehensive sexual health website. Teens can speak one-on-one with a trained teen volunteer by phone, text, email, or online chat.

Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation - Teen Health Source

Kids Help Phone - Online Safety - Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals. It is volunteer-led, text and phone-based support to young people in both English and French.  

2S-LGBTQIA+ Youthline – 2S-LGBTQIA+ YouthLine is a *2S-LGBTQIA+ youth-led organization that affirms and supports the experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario. Services provided include: anonymous peer support and referrals through phoneline or online chat; training youth to provide support to other youth; and resources for youth to make informed decisions.


Grade 11 (PPZ3C)

Curriculum Connection

H&PE A2.3

  • explain how sex, gender identity, and social and cultural background can influence health (e.g., social and cultural influences on dietary practices, methods of treating illnesses, gender expectations; gender- and sex-based influences on medical treatment, access to jobs, education, and physical activity)


The Gilbert Centre is a community-based, not-for-profit, charitable organization that has been providing programs and services as the AIDS Committee of Simcoe County for over 25 years. In 2015, in part to recognize the reality of people with HIV not developing AIDS, but living health lives with HIV, the organization changed its name from the AIDS Committee to the Gilbert Centre for Social and Support Services. The Gilbert Centre, named after a founder Ed Gilbert, not only reflects the change in HIV, but also embraces the expansion of programming to serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender individuals and families in the Simcoe Muskoka area.

The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line exists to provide service for youth, by youth that affirms the experiences and aspirations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, 2-spirit, queer and questioning youth in Ontario. Working within an anti-oppression and anti-racist framework, we provide leadership opportunities, outreach, confidential peer support and referrals by telephone, texting and online.

Rainbow Health Ontario  Community members and advocates can find information here to better understand 2S-LGBTQIA+ health as well as resources that were created to inform policy and encourage positive space. Search the latest news, view our resources on a wide range of topics or visit the research and policy area of the website to see RHO’s work on advisory committees and partnerships.

 H&PE B1.2

  • describe the factors that contribute to personal wellness and support healthy living (e.g., sense of responsibility; ability to make decisions related to physical activity, fitness, and healthy eating; healthy relationships; coping skills; creative and critical thinking skills; a positive sense of self)



Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Relationship Quiz: Assists in assessing the state of personal relationships and identifying when and where to seek help.

Understanding Consent; “Tea Consent this short YouTube video explains consent in a light-hearted way that makes the concept quite clear.

Age of Consent for Sexual Activity in Canada/Ontario, get the facts from the Justice Department of the Government of Canada.

Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick  has produced  No Means No; Understanding Consent to Sexual Activity Booklet that is a comprehensive Question and Answer style information booklet to assist with understanding the law around consent to sexual activity.


H&PE C3.1

  • describe actions that individuals can take that contribute to the health of others (e.g., consenting to be an organ donor; donating blood; updating immunizations; using methods such as handwashing to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases; following safer sex guidelines to prevent STIs; advising younger students on health action plans, healthy relationships, and anti-bullying strategies; getting involved in charitable fundraising events and campaigns in support of health-related causes such as smoking prevention, healthy eating, concussion prevention, and breastfeeding awareness)


Resources/links: brought to you by Ontario Public Health, provides information related to relationships, general sexual health as well as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and Birth Control as well as a function to assist with finding a clinic near you and on-line live chat.

The Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections (CGSTI) were created by the Public Health Agency of Canada as a resource for primary care and public health professionals – especially nurses and physicians – for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)


Curriculum Connection

H&PE C1.3

demonstrate an understanding of how relationships develop through various stages, and describe the skills and strategies needed to maintain a satisfactory relationship as the relationship evolves (e.g., communication and interpersonal skills, adaptive and coping skills, conflict resolution strategies) [PS, IS, CT]


H&PE C2.5

identify the skills and resources that they will need to maintain their personal health and well-being as they become more independent (e.g., budgeting and time-management skills, interpersonal skills, cooking and meal-planning skills, recreational and leisure opportunities, access to health care and other supports) [PS, CT]


Resources/links: is an innovative website that puts accurate and up-to-date information about health services at the fingertips of consumers and health care providers across the North Simcoe Muskoka region of Ontario. provides easy access to a reliable source of data, and empowers consumers to find the services they need close to home.

Teen Health Source is brought to you by Planned Parenthood Toronto. Teen Health Source is a sexual health information service run for and by youth. Whether teens need information about birth control, sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships, or puberty, we provide information in a non-judgmental, sex-positive, pro-choice, and inclusive manner. Got a question or need a referral that you can’t find on our website? Ask us! We have trained teen volunteers waiting to serve you five days a week! brought to you by Ontario Public Health, provides information related to relationships, general sexual health as well as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and Birth Control as well as a function to assist with finding a clinic near you and on-line live chat.


H&PE C3.4

  • analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song lyrics, television, print media, Internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive messaging [CT]



The Fourth R is a consortium of researchers and professionals dedicated to promoting healthy adolescent relationships and reducing risk behaviours. We develop and evaluate programs, resources, and training materials for educators and other front-line professionals who work with youth. In particular, we work with schools, parents, and community organizations to promote the neglected “R” (for Relationships) and help build this Fourth R in school climates.  This section lists free lesson plans available to teachers.


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