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Newborn Tests And Check-ups

Your newborn will be checked by your doctor or midwife in the first 24 hours after birth. Your baby should be checked again within 24-72 hours. Book an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Some appointments may be available by telephone or online, while others will require an in person visit.

At the appointment your healthcare provider will weigh the baby and check how feedings are going. They will also do a physical exam, including checking for signs of jaundice, remaining screening tests, and answer any questions you might have. They will see the baby often in the first year for check-ups and vaccinations.

Babies can get sick quickly. If you are concerned about your baby, speak with your health care provider right away.

Watch this video:

Newborn Screening in Ontario


Newborn Screening (PDF 171 KB) English / Francais
Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening (PDF 437 KB) English / Francais
Newborn Jaundice and Your Baby (PDF) English / Francais

Biliary Atresia - Infant Stool Colour Card 


Infant Hearing Screening English / Francais

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