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Food Service Operators

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Guidelines for Operating a Mobile Food Premises

Mobile food premises means a trailer, cart, or vehicle-mounted food premises or other itinerant food premises which is capable of being readily moved and in which food is prepared and offered for sale to the public. The following is a list of requirements.


  • Complete the notification form.
  • An ample supply of potable (clean and drinkable) water provided to sinks under pressure from tanks which maintain the potability of the water.
  • Separate holding tanks for sink wastes.
  • Every waste tank and water supply tank must be equipped with an easily readable gauge or be transparent, so that level of water in the tank can be determined.
  • Only single-service articles (disposable utensils, plates, napkins, etc.).
  • All food must come from an inspected food premises.
  • A separate hand washing basin together with supplies of hot and cold water, soap, or detergent in a dispenser, and a supply of paper towels.
  • Containers of durable, leak-proof, and non-absorbent material sufficient for storing all garbage and waste in a sanitary manner.
  • Utensils and equipment that food contacts must be corrosion resistant and non-toxic and shall be used, wherever possible, to avoid or minimize hand contact with food. Extra utensils are recommended.
  • A two-compartment sink, or town sinks, or corrosion resistant material for the cleaning and sanitizing of utensils where washing and rinsing can be done effectively in the first sink and the second sink is used for sanitizing.
  • The premises must be operated and maintained free of health hazards.
  • Compliance with municipal bylaw and Fire Code as required.

Storage and Transporting Foods

  • "Keep Cold Foods Cold and Hot Foods Hot" (cold foods 4°C or colder, hot foods 60°C or hotter).
  • Provide storage thermometers inside all cold holding units.

Food Handling

  • All food shall be protected from contamination or adulteration.
  • Everyone who contacts food or utensils shall not use tobacco, be clean, wear clean clothes, was hands before commencing or resuming work and after each use of a toilet, and be free from any infectious agent of a disease that may be spread through the medium of food.
  • Food handlers must have food handler certification.

A copy of the food premises regulations can be found at here.

For more information, contact Health Connection at 705-721-7520 (1-877-721-7520) ext. 8811 to speak with a public health inspector.

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