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Dental Health

Dental Health is important to overall health and well-being. Poor oral health impacts children’s healthy development and activities of daily living such as eating, speaking, learning, and sleeping.

Children can be at a greater risk for cavities due to various reasons. Social determinants of health such as food insecurity, education, access to dental health care and community water fluoridation and environmental influences such as marketing of unhealthy foods/beverages and unassisted home care can all be contributing factors.


Educator and Classroom Resources

  • Canadian Dental Association: provides downloadable teaching resources and activities to educate students about dental health. Teachers and parents can download materials for use in the classroom and/or at home.

Health Unit Programs and Services

Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants offer dental screenings for elementary students in select grades and community based dental screening clinics at SMDHU office locations.

This screening helps to:

  • Identify children with urgent dental health needs and ensures they receive the necessary care
  • Increase awareness and promote oral health education
  • Connect students and families to information re: publicly funded programs (for ages 0-17).
  • Monitor the dental health needs in our communities.

We contact elementary schools in the fall to book screening dates. Prior to the scheduled date, additional information will be provided about the screening process, including space and set-up requirements.

We ask that schools ensure a clean work environment with the following provisions:

  • A large room with one-way traffic flow (where feasible).
  • A space that accommodates the Dental Health Team, equipment and up to a half a classroom of students at a time.
  • A minimum of 2 tables and approximately 3-4 chairs.
  • Access to an electrical outlet.
  • A large, lined receptacle bin for waste.
  • A list of teacher’s names with coordinating classroom numbers.

In some circumstances, the Dental Team may request demographic information on a student to complete the screening if it is missing or incorrect according to the board information on file.

We will also provide a digital information package for schools to distribute to families, including how to contact the health unit to opt-out for those that do not want their child to participate.

The health unit’s Oral Health Program offers general information, resources, and support to raise awareness and support education in elementary and secondary schools, by request.

We are also available to help ease system navigation for students and their families to services available, including Healthy Smiles Ontario and other publicly funded dental programs.

Alex the Alligator is a plush alligator and resource kit developed to support oral health and healthy eating within the Ontario Health & Physical Education curriculum. We work with elementary schools to engage students in leading Alex the Alligator activities with classrooms or at school events. This provides opportunities for students to develop leadership and communication skills and fosters school connectedness.

Curriculum Links

This resource supports the Healthy Living Strand of the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum by addressing expectations under the topic of Human Development and Sexual Health related to oral health.  When combined with other strategies that promote student well-being, Alex the Alligator can contribute to comprehensively addressing other topics such as healthy eating, equity and inclusion, and oral health.

Bring Alex the Alligator to Your School

  • To access Alex the Alligator and to have more discussion about offering an integrated approach to supporting student well-being in your school, contact the School Health program.

For Students, Parents and Families

Visit our Dental Health site for more information. 
Visit our Dental Health site for more information.

Choose from the sample newsletter inserts below to share with parents/families of elementary school students:

Dental Screening and Services

Good dental health is an important part of your child’s general health. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s Oral Health Community Program offers FREE dental screenings in daycares, schools and health unit offices for children and youth aged 0 - 17 years. Dental screening can identify and inform families that their child has a dental concern. 

Health Unit staff can also help children/youth and their families access FREE dental care through the Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) or other publicly funded program such as the Canadian Dental Care Plan. For more information regarding our services, call 705-721-7520 or toll-free 1-877-721-7520 ext. 8804 or visit SMDHU - Dental

Team Up!

Brush and floss as a team! Help your child brush and floss daily until they can do it on their own without difficulty. Brush their teeth at least twice daily for two minutes, especially before bedtime. Do not forget their gums and tongue. Apply toothpaste with fluoride. Use an amount the size of a grain of rice. If your child can spit, use a pea sized amount. Do not swallow or rinse with water. Do not forget to take good care of your teeth-your child is watching you!

Do you have concerns about your child’s teeth? Meet our dental team! We offer FREE screenings to children and youth aged 17 years and under. Screenings can determine if your child qualifies for any publicly funded programs. For more information, or to book a dental screening appointment, call 705-721-7520 or toll-free 1-877-721-7520 ext. 8804 or visit SMDHU - Dental

Pack a Lunch that Makes Them Smile!

Helping your child pack their lunch? Send water instead of sugary drinks like fruit juices, pop and sport drinks to help prevent cavities. Choose snacks that are healthy, sugar-free and that don’t stick to teeth. Refer to Canada’s Food Guide for healthy eating tips.  Do you have concerns about your child’s teeth? Meet our dental team! We offer FREE screenings to children and youth aged 17 years and under. Screenings can determine if your child qualifies for any publicly funded programs. For more information, or to book a dental screening appointment, call 705-721-7520 or toll-free 1-877-721-7520 ext. 8804 or visit SMDHU - Dental webpage. 

Choose from the sample newsletter inserts below to share with parents/families of secondary school students:

Dental Screening and Services

Good dental health is an important part of your child’s general health. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s Oral Health Community Program offers FREE dental screenings in daycares, schools and health unit offices for children and youth aged 0 - 17 years. Dental screening can identify and inform families that their child has a dental concern. 

Health Unit staff can also help children/youth and their families access FREE dental care through the Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) or other publicly funded program such as the Canadian Dental Care Plan. For more information regarding our services, call 705-721-7520 or toll-free 1-877-721-7520 ext. 8804 or visit SMDHU - Dental home page. 

For More information

For more information, call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 or email
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