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Sun Safety in Schools

We can help you to incorporate the sample activities below related to sun safety into your school action plan and/or engage students, staff, families and community partners to come up with ideas of your own:

Click the links below for suggested lesson plans, curriculum supports, health unit programs and additional resources to assist educators in teaching about this topic. Find them by clicking on the links below:

To support staff who are teaching sun safety, consider workshops, conferences or inviting field experts to speak at professional development days. Ensure to follow current COVID-19 guidance for schools.

  • Adopt a sun safety policy. The Canadian Cancer Society SunSense program offers a “how-to” guide for schools along with free tools and resources to assist in policy implementation.
  • Raise awareness among parents/caregivers and staff about the importance of role-modeling and encouraging students to follow appropriate sun-safety practices.

  • Actively engage students in creating sun safe vibrant, rich environments by planting trees to create a healthy ecosystem and habitat as part of the Ontario EcoSchools certification program
  • Organize theme week or month activities in June to celebrate National Sun Awareness Week.

SunSense Certification - The Canadian Cancer Society has introduced a SunSense Certification program for schools. The Certification celebrates schools that have created a sun-safe environment to protect students and staff from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The program provides FREE downloadable resources such as; teaching guide, parents/caregivers letter, policy guide, activity sheets, and poster. Additional tools are available to registered schools

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