This course provides important information about the role and tasks of the unpaid caregiver supporting an older adult. Divided into five modules, the course is self-paced over a nine-week period and includes diverse learning materials, such as relevant readings, videos, short quizzes and opportunities to make contributions to online discussion groups. The goal of the course is to improve the knowledge, confidence, and overall health and well-being of unpaid caregivers in Ontario through education.
You will also be offered the opportunity to participate in an online webinar and discussion. A daytime and evening option will be provided, you will be able to participate in the comfort of your own home. Instructions will be provided closer to the date. The titles of the five modules are the following:
1) You and the caregiver role
2) Your caregiver toolbox: Health and medical fundamentals
3) Navigating complex systems and getting the support you need
4) The importance of looking after you
5) Resources
To register please visit the Caregiving Essentials webpage.
This course was developed in collaboration with the McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education, the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA), and THRIVE group. The creation of the course was funded by the Government of Ontario, Ministry of Seniors Affairs with ongoing funding provided by the Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario.
Following this course, you may wish to consider taking Caregiving Strategies, run by the Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario. This complementary course provides more detailed information about Pain, Mobility, Nutrition, Continence, Polypharmacy, Delirium, and Social Engagement for Caregivers of Older adults with frailty.