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Smoking and Vaping

Specialty Vape Stores

Specialty Vape Stores and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 

A specialty vape store is a business registered with the local Board of Health that primarily sells vapour products. If you want to register your business as a specialty vape store with the Board of Health for a specific location, the following criteria must be met:

  • A specialty vape store must have vapour products account for at least 85 per cent of its total sales in the previous year. If the retailer has been in operation for less than a year, at least 85 per cent of the retailer's total inventory purchases or sales for that time period must be vapour products.
  • The remaining sales or inventory (not to exceed more than 15 per cent) are for other items reasonably associated with a vapour product or branded with the name of the specialty vape store or a brand of vapour product. Items normally sold in convenience stores (including snacks, candy, and drinks) are not eligible to be sold at a specialty vape store. Acceptable items can include branded clothing or accessories, branded water bottles or food items, branded coffee cups, and carrying cases for vapour products and accessories. For more information and assistance in determining what items can and cannot be sold in a specialty vape store, please contact the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit's SFOA Enforcement Program.

The following resources and legal notifications are made available to you, the retailer, to maintain an up-to-date Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) retailer education binder for you and your staff.

Please ensure that the legal information and resources (linked below) are printed off and placed inside the retailer education binder. It is your responsibility to ensure that all retail staff who sell vapour products read the legal information and resources and then sign the sign-off sheet (linked below). If vapour products are sold to a person under the age of 19 or to anyone who appears under the age of 25, tobacco enforcement officers will review the retailer education binder to determine if the binder was signed. The business will be charged if the sign-off sheet has not been signed by the staff who sold vapour products to a minor.

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