No significant evidence of bacterial contamination means your water is safe to drink.
Significant evidence of bacterial contamination means there were more than 5 total coliforms in your drinking water, and it may be unsafe to drink.
UNSAFE TO DRINK: Evidence of fecal contamination means they found E. coli in your drinking water which indicates contamination from human or animal feces.
NDOGN - No Data: Overgrown with Non-target means your water is unsafe to drink. It is heavily contaminated with environmental bacteria.
NDOGT - No Data: Overgrown with Target means your water is unsafe to drink. It is heavily contaminated with environmental bacteria with total coliforms and/or E. coli are present.
The Public Health Ontario (PHO) website has more information to help you Understand Your Results including a detailed factsheet: Drinking Water Indicator Bacteria and Their Significance.