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Drinking Water

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Treatment Devices

Treatment devices are added to drinking water systems to remove and inactivate bacteria, parasites and viruses that may be present in the source water.

If you have a dug well or a sand point well that typically draws water from a shallow water table, it is considered to be prone to contamination. Bacteria, parasites and viruses may be present especially after rain storms or during spring snow melt. These wells should have a permanent treatment device. Constant, repeated shock chlorination is not a solution.

If you draw from an unprotected source like a stream, river or lake, then the water supply is not considered safe and should not be used as a source of drinking water unless it is adequately treated first. Consider not only bacterial contamination but also viruses and parasitic cysts like cryptosporidium and giardia.

If your drilled well does not meet the criteria below, then a permanent water treatment device should be installed:

  • Tightly sealed, vermin proof cap
  • Protected from surface water runoff and flooding (e.g. casing is not cracked, uphill from runoff and flood prone areas)
  • Regular water samples (at least four per year) show no evidence of contamination

For more information about water treatment devices, speak with a qualified water treatment specialist.

External Links

Drinking Water Treatment Devices - Health Canada

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