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COVID-19 Local Impact Survey

COVID-19 Local Impact Survey

The COVID-19 Local Impact Survey was an online survey administered in participating public health units across Ontario in November 2020 and repeated in March 2021. Each survey was open for 4 – 6 weeks to gather feedback from Simcoe Muskoka adults ages 18 years of age and older to learn about financial, mental, physical, and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local level. Almost 2,400 Simcoe Muskoka residents responded to the fall 2020 survey, and almost 2,800 responded to the spring 2021 survey.


Institute for Social Research (ISR) at York University on behalf of participating public health units.             

Data Notes:

  • Two groups completed the survey:
    • Web panel- 240 local residents were contacted by ISR at York University to complete the survey in November 2020, and approximately half of this group completed the survey in March 2021, providing SMDHU with a small sample of data to assess changes in behaviour and attitudes among the same individuals.
    • Convenience sample - an online survey, available in both English and French, promoted by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit via survey links on the health unit’s website. To increase the representativeness of the sample, additional promotions were utilized to encourage participation of under-represented groups. Despite these efforts, males, people without any post-secondary education, people who do not speak English or French as their first language, and young adults 18-34 are under-represented.
  • November results from the web panel survey and the convenience sample were combined and weighted by age and sex for public reporting purposes.

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