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Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)

Discharge Abstract Dabase (DAD)

The Discharge Abstract Database captures administrative, clinical and demographic information on hospital discharges (including deaths, sign-outs and transfers). This data source is primarily used for hospitalization and birth data, as this data contains live births and stillbirths for births that occurred in hospital.


Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) distributed by Ontario Ministry of Health: IntelliHealth Ontario

Data Notes:

  • Data are collected based on location of hospital but are generally analyzed by the residence of the patient for health status purposes.
  • The data source contains discharge records, not admissions. The data are reported for completed cases only. Hospitals do not report on cases that are still being treated. The data represent the number of discharges, not the number of people. Time periods are usually based on the date of discharge; however, some indicators are based on the date of admission.
  • Since a person may not be hospitalized or may be hospitalized several times for the same disease or injury event, or discharged from more than one hospital (when transferred) for the same injury event, hospitalization data provide only a crude measure of the prevalence of a cause.
  • Data are influenced by factors that are unrelated to health status such as availability and accessibility of care, and administrative policies and procedures. This may influence comparisons between areas and over time.

Data Used in the Following Dashboards:  

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