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Board of Health

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is governed by the Board of Health. It is the Board’s role to oversee the health unit’s affairs and operations. The Board, through the Medical Officer of Health/Chief Executive Officer is ultimately responsible for the organization.

The Board has been established under the Province of Ontario’s Health Protection and Promotion Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide for the organization and delivery of public health programs and services, the prevention of the spread of disease and the promotion and protection of the health of the people of Ontario.

The Board of Health for the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is currently made up of 16 members:

  • four elected representatives from the County of Simcoe,
  • two elected representatives from the District of Muskoka,
  • two elected representatives from the City of Barrie,
  • one elected representative from the City of Orillia, and
  • up to eight citizens appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, through the Provincial Appointments Secretariat. There are currently seven appointees.

Read about the members of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Board of Health.

Learn about the public appointments process.
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