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Personal Service Settings

Personal Service Settings

A personal service setting (PSS) is a business premises where personal services are offered that might pose a risk of exposure to blood or body fluids. These services are regulated  under Ontario Regulation 136/18 and must be routinely inspected by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU).  Personal services are offered at a variety of settings such as mobile or temporary services, spas, festivals, salons or in a private home setting and include but are not limited to: 

  • Tattooing and ear/body piercing
  • Permanent make-up and micro-blading
  • Hair salons and barbering
  • Aesthetics (e.g., nail services, waxing, facials, eyelash extensions)

Important information for PSS owner/operators

The Ontario Personal Service Settings Regulation 136/18 requires you to provide written notice (using our online form below) to the health unit at least 14 days before the following: 

  • Opening a new business
  • Adding new services at your business
  • Reconstructing or renovating your existing business (beyond routine maintenance)
  • Moving your business to a new location

Guide for Operating Personal Service Settings (PSS) in Simcoe Muskoka

 PSS Guide Cover


New and existing businesses can access this guide for an overview of minimum requirements for opening and operating a PSS. The guide includes information about:


For any additional inquiries or support, contact the Infectious Diseases team at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 ext. 8809 during regular business hours Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

As a PSS owner or operator, it is your responsibility to notify the health unit of your business and to provide your services in a clean and safe manner to decrease the risk of spreading infections to your clients and staff.

Personal service settings are regulated under Ontario Regulation 136/18 and must be routinely inspected by the health unit. Upon the completion of your inspection, a public health inspector will give you an Inspection Connection sign that must be posted in clear view for your clients and the public. This sign directs the public to an online portal called Inspection Connection where inspection results and enforcement actions (orders, tickets) are shared. 

Cleaning a Blood and Body Fluid Spill


Accidental Exposure to Blood/Body Substances Recording Form

Disinfectant Log Sheet

Mixing Instructions to Use Household Bleach as a Disinfectant


Sterilization (Autoclave) Log and Maintenance Log 

Using Alcohol as an Instrument/Tool Disinfectant

- English
- Vietnamese

Steps for Instrument Cleaning and Disinfection of: 

    Aesthetic Tools

    - English
    - Vietnamese

Hairstyling/Barbering Tools

Routine Practices

Infection Prevention and Control Resources




Hand Sanitizing



Personal Service E-Learning Course - Offered by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, this non-mandatory course covers infection control practices which can help reduce the risk of infections and make sure that services provided are safe for clients. This course is provided in both English and Vietnamese. 

Public Health Inspectors conduct inspections of all PSS businesses to assess and enforce compliance with Ontario Regulation 136/18 - Personal Service Settings

The Personal Service Settings Guideline, 2019 provides additional information in implementing and interpreting the requirements in the regulation.

The Ontario Guide to the Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Service Settings, 3rd edition is a resource you can use when implementing infection prevention and control practices in your business to help prevent/reduce the risk of getting an infection at a PSS.

The resource provides important information about:

  • Choosing an appropriate disinfectant
  • Cleaning and disinfecting
  • Setting requirements
  • Documentation and aftercare
  • Routine practices and risk assessments
  • Occupational health considerations
  • Service specific best practices

All personal services operators who provide services at temporary events (e.g. fairs, tradeshows, etc) must comply with the applicable sections of  the Ontario Personal Service Settings Regulation 136/18 and require health unit approval prior to operation.

Even organizers must complete an event organizer application form at least 30 days before the event. The form asks for details such as on-site set-up a complete list of PSS vendors and other details such as washroom facilities and hand wash stations. 

Each vendor providing services at the event must submit a  vendor application form at least 14 days prior to the event.  It is highly recommended vendors contact the health unit early to determine whether it is possible to offer the services you would like to provide given the space the venue can offer. 

Please Note: Applications received past the noted deadlines may not be reviewed and events may not be allowed to run.

Vendors will not be allowed to operate if they show up to the event and have not submitted an application. 

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