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The needle exchange program

Resources for Partners

Services provided:

  • Safer Injection kits including, sterile needles, spoons (cookers), alcohol swabs, sterile water, tourniquets, and when requested vitamin C.
  • Safer Safe smoking kits including, glass stems or bowl pipes, screens, and mouth pieces.
  • Sharps containers for the safe disposal of used needles, stems, pipes, and other substance use equipment.
  • Information about safer substance use and about community supports.

What to do if you find needles in your community

Needles (sharps) are items that may be contaminated with body fluids, such as blood, and can puncture or cut skin. Some examples are:

Used needles 
Used syringes with needles attached
Lancets (used for skin prick blood samples) 
Used razors

What to do if you find a sharp(s)? 

Find a hard plastic container with a lid (e.g., bleach or peanut butter container) and put it on a flat surface. Do not hold the container. 
Wear gloves or use tongs to pick up the needle. Put the needle (sharp end pointing down) into the container. 
Tighten the lid on the container. 
Wash your hands with soap and water right after. 
Take the container to your local health unit office or household hazardous waste disposal site. 

Try to remove, bend, or recap the needle. 
Flush sharps down the toilet or throw them in the garbage or recycling box. 

Children should never touch a discarded needles but show an adult where it is. “If it’s not yours, don’t touch.” 
Do You Have a Needle Stick Injury? 
1. Stay calm. The risk of infection from illnesses such as Tetanus, Hepatitis B, C and HIV is very low. 
2. Let the wound bleed freely. Do not squeeze, suck, scrub, or rub the wound. 
3. Wash the wound with soap and water as soon as possible. 
4. See a healthcare provider right away. 

Immunizations are required throughout your lifetime. Talk to your healthcare provider about Tetanus and Hepatitis B immunizations you might be missing. 



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