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Grade 7 Immunization Program

The health unit offers school immunization clinics to Grade 7 students for publicly funded vaccines to protect against three serious diseases: hepatitis B, human papillomavirus (HPV) and meningococcal (Men-C-ACWY). These vaccines are free only through the school immunization program and not routinely through a health care provider.

School immunization nurses will return to elementary schools this April to June to provide round two, of the three free vaccines for grade 7 students. Information and details for the upcoming school-based clinics will be provided through your child's school and a list of school clinics is also provided below.

School Clinic Video - watch with your student in order to prepare for their immunizations at school.

If your child is not attending school in person or will be absent on the scheduled clinic date, vaccinations can be received at a health unit office by appointment.

Due to clinic demands/capacity, students who are currently in grade 7, need to try and have their vaccines completed at the school clinic prior to booking an appointment.


If you prefer to book over the phone, please call 1-705-721-7520, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Vaccines Available at School Immunization Clinics for Grades 7 Students

These three vaccines greatly reduce the risk of your child getting sick with these diseases and are safe, effective, and recommended as part of Ontario’s Routine Immunization Schedule.

Hepatitis B (Hep B)

This vaccine is important because it prevents against Hep B as it is a contagious viral infection of the liver.  The vaccine requires two doses six months apart for those 11-15 years of age and a three dose series if over 16 years of age to fully protect against the disease.  This vaccine is voluntary and not required under the ISPA.  Please be sure to let us know if your child has received Hep B as an infant or child through your health care provider (including Twinrix), as this will impact how many (if any) doses of Hep B your child requires for complete protection.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

This vaccine is important because it reduces the risk of various types of cancers such as throat and cervical cancer.  The vaccine requires two doses six months apart to fully protect against the disease. 

Hepatitis B and HPV-9 are both a two dose vaccine series, given six months apart. It is important that students complete their two-dose series of both of these vaccines to ensure optimal protection. 

Meningococcal Conjugate C-ACYW (Men-C-ACYW)

This vaccine is important because this disease is very serious and can lead to brain or blood infection. This vaccine requires only one dose for full protection.

Please note that this vaccine is designated under Ontario's Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), which requires that children and youth attending primary or secondary school be immunized against certain diseases unless they have a valid exemption.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 

Fact Sheet - English

Fact Sheet - French 


Hepatitis B (Hep B) 

Fact Sheet- English

Fact Sheet - French


Meningococcal Conjugate C-ACYW (Men- C- ACYW) vaccine

Fact Sheet - English 

Fact Sheet - French 

Making a child’s vaccination experience better and decreasing the amount of pain they may feel is very important. If a child has a bad experience getting a vaccine they may not trust their healthcare provider and may not want to get other vaccines or health care when needed in the future.

There are many things that can decrease pain and lessen stress and anxiety for children and their parents. Using a numbing cream, giving children a chance to ask questions, and informing them about what to expect, letting them choose ways they can be most comfortable when getting a vaccine can help make children’s vaccination experience uneventful and even positive.

Additional Resources:

  • Nervous about getting needles handout linked here
  • Watch this video created by SickKids on reducing vaccination pain in your child (auto translate option available under settings).
  • Watch the video Needle Pain and Phobia. How to avoid fear of needles and vaccines.


The CARD System – Help Eliminate Pain in Kids & Adults - Videos (auto translate option available under settings)

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