Agency/Service | Contact Information | Description of Service |
SMDHU: In-person Breastfeeding Support Group. | | Thursdays from 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the Barrie EarlyON Centre, 129 Ferris Lane, Barrie. For more information, click here. |
211 Ontario | Dial 211 or 877-330-3213 Text 2-1-1 Live Chat Email: [email protected] | Find local community programs and supports, i.e. prenatal education, doulas, lactation consultants, dietitians, First Nations, Metis, Inuit or Francophone services, 24 hours, 7 days a week. |
Barrie & Community Family Health Team:
Breastfeeding / Chestfeeding Services | 705-721-0370
Option #4 | Individual breastfeeding appointment with a Lactation Consultant Monday to Friday or with a PHN on Fridays. Can self-refer. Accepts non-members. 370 Bayview Drive, 3rd Floor, Barrie, ON L4N 7L3
Barrie Community Health Centre: Children's Clinic
| 705-734-9690 ext261 | For children 0-5 yrs with no Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner offering variety of services including breastfeeding support and well baby check ups. |
Barrie Native Friendship Centre:
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program | 705-721-7689 ext. 215 | Indigenous culturally based supports to Indigenous families. Working with families and their children with physical, mental, emotional and social issues including prenatal support and supports for children ages 0 to 6.
Dr. Margaret Kazanczuk. MD, IBCLC | Phone: 705-503-9133 Fax: 705-503-0300 | Physician/IBCLC able to see clients requiring medical management for lactation concerns. Referrals from family Dr. recommended. 304-5 Quarry Ridge Rd. Barrie, ON L4M 7G1 |
Health811 | 811 (TTY 1-866-797-0007). Live Chat. | Free, secure, confidential service 24 hours a day, seven days a week for non-urgent health questions and concerns. Talk with a health professional by phone or chat online.
La Leche League | | Experienced mother-to-mother breastfeeding information, support and encouragement through trained volunteer leaders. Services by phone consultations or monthly group meetings. |