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How To Tell Baby Is Getting Enough

There are many signs you can use to know that your baby is getting enough

  • At least 8 or more feeds in 24 hours.
  • Your baby is sucking strongly, slowly, steadily and swallowing often.
  • Days 1-2 at least 1 or 2 black or dark green stools. Days 3-4 at least 3 brown, green or yellow stools. Day 5 onward at least 3 large and soft yellow (breastfed) stools.
  • Day 1 at least 1 wet diaper. Day 2 at least 2 wet diapers. Day 3 at least 3 wet diapers. Day 4 at least 4 wet diapers. Day 5 onward at least 6 heavy wet diapers.

Other signs that your baby is feeding well include:

  • Your baby's mouth should look wet and pink.
  • Your baby 's eyes should look bright and clear.
  • Your baby should have active alert periods.
  • Your baby’s cry should be loud and strong.
  • Your baby should appear more relaxed and sleepy after a feeding.
  • Your baby should return to their birth weight by 10-14 days after the birth.Most babies lose a bit of weight in the first 3 days. From day 4 onward most babies gain weight regularly.
  • Your breasts feel softer and less full after breastfeeding. Once breastfeeding is established, the full-breast feeling may not continue. This means that your body is providing breastmilk when your baby needs it instead of filling your breasts ahead of time.

Your baby may be showing signs that they are getting plenty of milk but may remain restless and fussy. This does not always mean that your baby is still hungry. If your baby is not showing hunger cues, comfort your fussy baby by holding them skin-to-skin and providing other comfort measures.

If you are concerned that your baby may not be feeding well, help and support is available in your community.


Signs That Feeding is Going Well (PDF 752 KB) English / Francais

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