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Health Before Pregnancy

Doctor and female patient 

Making healthy choices when you’re thinking about starting a family can help you have a healthy pregnancy. It’s important to take care of your physical and mental health and get the information and support you need.


  • Provide information to help you prepare to have a healthy pregnancy.
  • Assess and report on the health of our preconception and prenatal populations.

What Matters to Your Health

Your health before pregnancy is important

People who may one day become parents should regularly discuss their health and well-being with their health care provider. Think about your diet and folic acid, your physical activity, your use of medications, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other substance use, your mental health, your vaccinations and any other exposures or illnesses that may affect a pregnancy.

The links below can provide support and information on many health topics to think about before pregnancy that may be of interest to you.

External Links

Preconception Health: Health Before Pregnancy (includes reproductive health life plan) English / Francais

How to Build a Healthy Baby: Men’s Information (PDF 514 KB) English / Francais

My Reproductive Life Plan (PDF 2.0 MB) English / Francais  

My Life My Plan (PDF 989 KB) English / Francais 

Before You Conceive English / Francais

Folic Acid English / Francais

Ready or Not

For more information:

Contact Health811 24 hours, 7 days week. Call 811 (TTY1-866-797-0000) or via live chat.

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