Breastfeed your baby for as long as your baby wants to
be at the breast. The length of time your baby spends
at the breast for each feeding will vary. As your baby
gets older, they will breastfeed more quickly than a
newborn baby.
What is important is that your baby has rhythmic
sucking and swallowing at each feeding. When the
sucking and swallowing slows down or your baby comes
off the breast, you can burp your baby, and then offer the
second breast. Offer both breasts at each feeding. Your
baby may seem less interested in the second breast and
may nurse for a shorter time on this side, if at all.
Some babies are not satisfied after the second breast
and need to go back to the first again. At your next
feeding time, begin by offering the breast that feels
the fullest. At the end of a breastfeeding session
your breasts should be softer and feel less full. As
well, your baby should be more relaxed and sleepier.