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Prenatal Care And Tests - What To Expect

Regular prenatal care during pregnancy is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. It is recommended to see a health care provider as soon as you think you are pregnant. Prenatal care can be provided by family doctors, nurse practitioners, midwives and obstetricians.

Your first prenatal visit may be more in depth, so this is a great time to get your pregnancy questions answered. The health care provider will want to discuss your health history, other births and pregnancies, the date of your last period, your immunizations and a variety of other topics. They may do a full head-to-toe checkup including an internal exam. During this visit they will help to figure out your due date based on the date of your last period.

During your pregnancy you will have appointments with your health care provider at least:

Every four weeks until approximately 30 weeks gestation

Every two weeks from 32 to 36 weeks gestation

Once a week from 37 weeks gestation until birth

Fetal Movement Counts:

You may be asked to do daily fetal movement count:
• At 26-32 weeks for pregnancy with risk factors such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes etc. 
• In third trimester
• Any time baby you notice baby is moving less
Do the count at the same time each day when baby is most active, usually in the evening with no distractions. The movement might feel like a kick, flutter or rolling movement. When you have counted at least 6 movement you may stop counting. It may take up to 2 hours to feel 6 movements. If you do not feel 6 movements within 2 hours, contact your health care provider or go the birthing unit as soon as possible for further assessment.


Prenatal Genetic Screening (PDF 1,333 KB) English / Francais

For information on what to expect during your prenatal visits and prenatal tests visit:

First trimester prenatal care and tests
Second trimester prenatal care and tests
Third trimester prenatal care and tests

For information on prenatal screening visit:

Prenatal Screening Ontario English / Francais

For screening information on Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBIS) before and during pregnancy visit:

Sexually transmitted blood-borne infections and pregnancy English / Francais

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