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Smoking And Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when people often think about quitting smoking. Quitting is a healthy choice for you and your baby. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risks to your health and to your growing baby’s health. Help is available if you want to quit or cut back. There are groups, phone helplines, online supports and one-to-one service. If these don’t work, talk to your health care provider to see if using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is right for you. Try to avoid second-hand smoke, which is the smoke you breathe if someone else is smoking.


Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: Tobacco and Vaping English / Francais
MotherToBaby – Cigarette Smoke
Smoking and Vaping

Help and Support:

Smokers’ Helpline

Health811 is a free, secure, and confidential service Ontarians can contact 24 hours a day, seven days a week for non-urgent health questions and concerns. Talk with a health professional by phone (call 811 or TTY 1-866-797-0007) or chat online through a 'chat with us' link on the website.

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