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Vision is important for healthy child development. A child who cannot see properly may struggle with learning or find sports and other physical activities difficult. One in four school-age children may have a vision problem and often the signs and symptoms are not obvious to parents and caregivers. 

It is recommended that children have their first eye exam at six months of age. Then another exam at 2-3 years old and yearly after that. Eye exams are free for children 19 years old and under with an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card.

Regular visits to an optometrist for examinations are recommended. For more information regarding free eyeglasses or to find an optometrist in your community, visit the links below. 

Eye See...Eye Learn - only for children in junior or senior kindergarten. The program provides a comprehensive eye exam and if your child needs glasses they will receive a free pair.

See the College of Optometrists of Ontario website to find an Optometrist near you.

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