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After school

Many kids today spend their time inside and sitting instead of actively playing outside after school. This is very different from how it was many years ago and sitting inside and not being active is putting their health at risk.

Let’s do what we can to change this.

Families and caregivers are encouraged to promote and support outdoor and nature-based play opportunities, not only given their association with increased physical activity levels and improved mental health outcomes, but also because they promote children’s connection to the earth and environmental stewardship. (Source: 2024 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.)

Tips to encourage kids to increase physical activity and active play in the after school hours:

  • Get them to do more walking, cycling or wheeling for the trip home from school;
  • Limit screen time and make plans for outdoor play as part of the after school routine;
  • Be a good role model and get involved in family physical activity.Kids who have parents and caregivers who enjoy being physically active, are more likely to be physically activity;
  • Consider getting your kids involved in organized sports.Children and youth who participate in organized sport take 1900 more steps per day than those who do not (2020 ParticipACTION Report Card); and
  • Ask about school community partnerships. Partnerships between schools and organizations that offer sport, recreation and school-aged childcare have shown success in students going to programs at nearby facilities.
  • Check out  Active For Life –  to find  new ideas on how to keep kids’ active.
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