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Schools and School Boards

Being involved in School Travel Planning is one way that schools and school boards can help students to get at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity.

Studies show the benefits of physical activity are more than having a healthy heart and body. Physical activity also supports brain development, which can lead to improved learning and attention at school. Physical activity can also improve children and youth’s mental and social well-being--like feeling good about themselves and what they can achieve and have more positive relationships with others. Plus, active kids have more fun and feel happier.

More students walking and wheeling to school can also mean fewer cars around schools, reduced traffic congestion, improved safety and a decrease in harmful air pollution which improves air quality and reduces the risks of lung and cardiovascular diseases. Active school travel supports climate change mitigation and may inspire children and families to take action to fight against climate change in order to reduce related health risks while benefiting the natural environment.

Click here for more information on why active school travel is important.

We are here to help schools and school boards with school travel planning.
Check out the resources and information for Administrators, Educators and  Active School Travel Committees.

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