Filters allow you to select different data (e.g. by Indicator or Year) to view. Selected filters are purple, and unselected filters are light blue. There may be multiple available filters on a page to allow you to sort by different subgroups, time periods, geographies or other factors.
Filters may be clickable buttons or drop-down menus. Drop down menus are purple and include a small arrow at the right end of the filter button that allows you to select an alternative option from a drop-down list.
Selecting filters can change the content of graphs, maps, tables and text boxes. Titles on graphs and tables will also update to clarify what data are being displayed based on the filters selected.
When moving between pages of a dashboard, be aware that the filters are not connected. Different options may be available, or you may need to re-select filters to view data by specific filters again, (e.g., selecting Breast Cancer on the Cancer Incidence, Cancer Mortality and Cancer Screening pages of the Cancer dashboard).