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Sun Safety

Skin Cancer

Did you know...

  • Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types.
  • About one third of all new cases of cancer in Canada are skin cancers.
  • Skin cancer rates continue to rise.
  • Even though one sunburn increases the risk of developing skin cancer, the more time spent in the sun without protection, the higher the risk.

Types of skin cancers?

There are three types of skin cancers:

  • Basal cell skin cancer, known as non-melanoma skin cancer. It is not lethal, but can cause severe disfigurement.
  • Squamous cell skin cancer is also a non-melanoma skin cancer. It can be potentially life threatening.
  • Malignant melanoma if not detected early can be deadly.

Catch it early: Check your skin regularly.

See your health care provider if you notice changes with your skin. Let your health care provider know about any growth, mole or discoloured skin that appears suddenly or begins to change, or if a sore does not heal.

You can learn more about the various types of skin cancer including; signs & symptoms, treatment and supports by visiting the Canadian Cancer Society and selecting either melanoma (skin) or non-melanoma skin cancer.

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