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Antenatal Hand Expression

Parents who learn about breastfeeding before their baby arrives often have an easier time breastfeeding once their baby is born. They are more confident and they often find that they have more breastmilk sooner. One of the things that parents can do to prepare for breastfeeding is to practice the technique of hand-expression late in their pregnancy  Hand expression is when you learn to remove milk from your breasts with your hands and it takes some practice! At first, you may not be able to remove any milk, but once you practice you may be able to express a few drops. This early milk is called colostrum.
The normal amount of expressed milk is 0-5 ml for the whole time you express prenatally. Any amount, even small amounts of colostrum, may be saved which can be given to your baby in the early days after birth, if it is needed.

Discuss with your doctor or midwife before starting. 

You can start expressing at 36 weeks. 

Here are some special considerations that need follow up by your doctor or midwife before trying it:

Your baby is measuring small for gestational age
Had a previous C-Section
Have any other medical or obstetrical issues
If you are pregnant with more than one baby

DO NOT express in pregnancy if you:

Have threatened or actual preterm labour
Have a short cervix, cervical incompetence or a cervical cerclage (stitch)
Had bleeding during your pregnancy
Have a low lying placenta or placenta previa
Had previous multiple C-Sections or previous “Classic C-Section”
Week 36-37 – Once daily for 5 minutes
Week 37-onward – 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes
Switch back and forth between breasts every 2-3 minutes
If you are able to express any colostrum during pregnancy:

Colostrum can be collected in the same syringe in the fridge between uses on the same day. 
At the end of the day your colostrum can be frozen. Label the syringe with the date and place it in a zip lock bag. 
When going to the hospital to deliver, bring your frozen syringes in a cooler.

Information on how to express breastmilk

More Milk Sooner - Hand Expression in Pregnancy (PDF 309 KB)

Watch this video:
More Milk Sooner – Prenatal Hand Expression
More Milk Sooner – How to Hand Express

Expressing Breastmilk 

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