Your company name is committed to providing a working environment that is free of all commercial tobacco products, vapour, and cannabis products for all employees, volunteers, and students. This policy extends the same protection that the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 provides to home healthcare workers to all of our employees when providing services in clients’ homes.
All employees have the right to ask a person not to smoke/vape in their presence while they are providing services. If a person refuses to comply with the request not to smoke/vape, employees have the right to leave a location due to the presence of secondhand smoke/vapour without providing further services – unless doing so would present an immediate, serious danger to the health of any person.
When an employee is arranging to provide services in a client’s home, the client will be informed that there must be no use of commercial tobacco, vapour, or cannabis products by anyone in the home during the time that the services are being provided. If there is evidence of active smoking/vaping in the home at the time of the visit, the employee has the right to leave.
If a person refuses to comply with the request not to smoke/vape, the employee will follow the following procedure:
1. Notify their supervisor/manager within 30 minutes, or as soon as reasonably possible, of the following, if applicable:
a) That the worker has left.
b) Whether an appropriate person is present and available to care for the person to whom the services were being/to be provided.
c) If the person to whom the services were being provided or were to be provided would require services in the next 24 hours.
d) In what situation the person was in when the employee left.
e) Whether there are any unusual circumstances and if so, what they are.
2. In cases involving service coordination, the employee needs to notify appropriate agencies as soon as possible that the service was not performed, if applicable.
3. In cases of ongoing service disruptions, the employee is to work with the client to find viable solutions (change of location, etc.), if applicable.
Signature of CEO or President