Nicotine addiction involves a variety of factors.
Over time, people who are addicted to nicotine may no longer feel pleasure from using commercial tobacco or vapour products. However, they continue using them because they have cravings and want to avoid withdrawal from nicotine which can make them feel irritable, restless, anxious, unable to sleep, have difficulty concentrating, and feel tired. These symptoms usually stop a couple of weeks after quitting. However, some people continue to have strong nicotine cravings for weeks and months.
"Triggers" are a sign of nicotine addiction that develop from connecting commercial tobacco and/or vapour product use with everyday moments. For example, some people smoke while drinking their morning coffee or vape while driving to work. Triggers also make quitting difficult, but not impossible.
If you or someone you care about smokes or vapes and wants to quit or cut back, support is available! You can find more information here.