To promote positive body image at school, consider the following activities as part of your health and well-being action plan:
Have a zero tolerance policy for weight-based teasing and bullying
Develop a strong weight-based teasing and bullying policy. Communicate and educate staff, students and parents about examples and consequences related to offences.
Promote a Body Inclusive Environment
You can create a body inclusive school environment by developing activities for the school and classroom that direct focus away from weight and appearance, challenge assumptions about
people based on their weight or appearance, change language being used by staff, educators and lunch monitors, and recognize harms associated with stigma and discrimination.
Look beyond appearance
A variety of factors outside of body image can contribute to students feeling good about themselves. This includes intellectual abilities, physical abilities, social skills, interests and talents. Engage students in activities that explore and identify non-appearance-based characteristics.
This encourages them to concentrate less on their physical appearance and build confidence.