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Vaping and E-Cigarettes

While youth smoking rates remain at an all-time low, vaping devices (like e-cigarettes) are addicting youth to nicotine. 

Rates of past year vaping among Ontario youth increase with grade, from 5.0% of students in grade 8 to 21.8% of students in grade 12. Youth that identify as female, as well as students in grades 10-12 are more likely to report vaping in the past year. In speaking with local youth, parents and educators, we hear that vaping continues to be a major issue among Simcoe Muskoka youth.

This is concerning as many people do not realize that vaping has health risks. Vaping increases symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the chances that youth will begin smoking cigarettes and try other drugs. Vaping also affects memory, concentration and behaviour and sets youth up for a lifetime of addiction. 

Information about vaping changes often, so we developed the Not An Experiment program, which includes resources to help educators, parents/caregivers and students learn about the health effects the devices can cause and the industry that profits from their sale to support students in making informed decisions about their health. 

More information about Not An Experiment, the resources available and how the health unit’s Smoke-Free Program can provide support is found in the sections below.


Whole School Approaches 

Not An Experiment includes a website ( that is full of interactive elements providing up to date information about:

The website also features two escape room-style activities that teach students about vaping in a fun way. See the Educator and Classroom Resources – Elementary and Secondary sections for more information.

Read periodically throughout the school year.

Posters can be hung around the school containing messages related to the health effects of vaping, the industry’s tactics for marketing the products, handling pressures to vape and mental health awareness.

Can be placed in intermediate and secondary school classrooms, hallways, washrooms or lockers to remind students about the laws surrounding vaping.

Help students identify nicotine addiction and link them to resources to quit.

Resources to help raise awareness about issues related to vaping on school property, especially in school washrooms, to change attitudes towards this behaviour.

  • Posters – place inside and around washrooms.
  • Announcements – read periodically throughout the school year.
  • Take the Clouds Outside Display Instructions - an immersive, eye-catching display to highlight the dangers of secondhand vapour, how vaping affects mental health, the fines associated with vaping on school property and links to quit supports.
  • Take the Clouds Outside Display – Cloud templates

    Schools that are implementing other components of Not An Experiment (e.g., posters, announcements, escape room activity, quit supports) may request a Take the Clouds Outside display staffed by the Smoke-Free Program team. This will predominantly be offered to secondary schools but will be considered upon request for elementary schools. Call Health Connection (705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or contact [email protected] to request the display.

A healthy school includes activities that aim to prevent vaping. Consider the following activities as part of your health and well-being action plan:



Educator and Classroom Resources

Resources for educators to learn about vaping, including health effects, industry marketing, laws and quit supports.


A 3-lesson plan series for grade 7 and 8 students with connections to the Ontario Health and Physical Education – Healthy Living curriculum.

Grade 6 lesson plans are expected during the 2024/25 school year.

ESCAPE THE EXPERIMENT GAME also features two escape room-style activities that teach students about vaping in a fun way:

Classroom Escape Room Activity

This interactive game is in a printable format which can be facilitated by educators and has been used extensively in schools to teach students in grades 7-12 about the risks of vaping, nicotine addiction and industry marketing tactics. It includes:

The health unit has loaner kits available to bring the game to life and streamline its facilitation. Call Health Connection (705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or contact [email protected] to request a kit.

Computer Game

The second is a computer game (English and desktop compatible only) which allows students to play online. The game ends by asking the player a series of questions that can be used to assess their level of knowledge related to the game’s key learnings.

An answer key is available to educators by emailing [email protected]


An educator resource containing several interactive activities that can be used to give students an opportunity to practice and build their confidence to respond to pressures to vape.


Short, 3-video series showing the addictiveness of vaping through a “taping” parody. Can be used as a discussion starter or lesson plan wrap up.


  • Grade 9 (coming soon)

ESCAPE THE EXPERIMENT GAME also features two escape room-style activities that teach students about vaping in a fun way:

Classroom Escape Room Activity

This interactive game is in a printable format which can be facilitated by educators and has been used extensively in schools to teach students in grades 7-12 about the risks of vaping, nicotine addiction and industry marketing tactics. It includes:

The health unit has loaner kits available to bring the game to life and streamline its facilitation. Call Health Connection (705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or contact [email protected] to request a kit.

Computer Game

The second is a computer game (English and desktop compatible only) which allows students to play online. The game ends by asking the player a series of questions that can be used to assess their level of knowledge related to the game’s key learnings.

An answer key is available to educators by emailing [email protected]


An educator resource containing several interactive activities that can be used to give students an opportunity to practice and build their confidence to respond to pressures to vape.

Health Unit Programs and Services 

The health unit’s smoke-free program staff are available to provide brief presentations about vaping and Not An Experiment at school staff meetings and professional development days and has loaner kits and print materials available to support educators in implementing Not An Experiment in their schools.

Call Health Connection or email [email protected] if you would like support to address vaping or smoking in your school community, including any questions about implementing Not An Experiment.

Health Connection can be reached at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s tobacco enforcement officers also continue to enforce the laws related to vaping and schools. For more information, or to submit a school witness report, visit the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 section of our website.

For Students, Parents and Families

Information and resources for students who may be addicted to nicotine.


A resource to send home to provide parents and caregivers information about vaping and tips on how to start conversations about it with their children. 

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