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Risks of cannabis use during pregnancy & breastfeeding

Cannabis and Pregnancy

It is safest to avoid using any form of cannabis if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Your child’s brain develops very quickly during pregnancy and in early childhood. Exposure to cannabis could cause changes in your child’s brain.

When used during pregnancy, the chemicals such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis cross the placenta and are absorbed by the fetus. No amount or form of cannabis (flower, edibles, oils, creams) is safe during pregnancy and it is safest to avoid use. These chemicals can have negative effects on both mother and baby including how your baby develops mentally and physically.
Some of these short-term effects include: 

  • Pre-term birth
  • Low-birth weight 
  • Lower alertness
  • Slower brain development and physical growth

Some long-term effects on your baby as an infant and later in life include: 

  • Decreased ability to self-soothe
  • Disrupted sleep patterns 
  • Poorer attention, memory, and reasoning skills
  • Difficulty problem-solving
  • Increased hyperactivity and impulsive behaviours

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have further questions related to cannabis use during pregnancy. 

Cannabis and Breastfeeding

When a mother who breastfeeds uses cannabis, the THC passes into the breast milk and is passed onto the baby where it enters the fat cells in the baby’s brain. The THC can be stored in the baby’s brain for weeks.

There is some evidence that this exposure to cannabis can slow the baby’s motor development (movements and responses). More research is needed to determine the full scope of effects of cannabis exposure during breastfeeding.
Talk to your healthcare provider if you have further questions related to cannabis use while breastfeeding. 

Best Start: Risks of Cannabis on Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Parenting: English / French
CCSA:  Is It OK to Use Cannabis During Pregnancy and While Breastfeeding?
MothertoBaby – Marijuana (Cannabis)
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: Cannabis English / Francais

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