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Catch up, Keep up, Stay on Track!

Getting vaccinated is an important way to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy from serious and sometimes life-threatening diseases. Protect yourself and those around you by making sure you get all recommended publicly funded vaccines on time.

Routine Immunization Clinics

Publicly funded vaccines are offered at clinics located in all our health unit offices. We provide vaccines for infants, children, youth, and adults who are eligible or overdue for routine immunizations and who do not have access to vaccines through a health care provider. These vaccines are available by appointment only. You will need a separate appointment for each person being immunized.


If you prefer to book an appointment over the phone, please call Heath Connection at 1-877-721-7520 (toll free) or 1-705-721-7520, Monday through Friday 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.

Keep reading to learn about recommended vaccinations at all stages of life: Click here to learn about Ontario’s publicly funded routine immunization program that makes it easy for you and your family to catch up, keep up and stay on track with the recommended vaccinations.

Have questions about vaccines?  Book a phone appointment with a trusted physician from the Scarborough Health Network online at or  by phone 416-438-2911 ext 5738.  This service is available to all Ontarians in over 200 languages.

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