To create "breastfeeding friendly" sites
- provide a comfortable space for breastfeeding participants and their
- consider privacy for women who want it
- ensure educational and promotional materials displayed or distributed
follow the WHO/UNICEF International Code on the Marketing of Breast-milk
Substitutes (e.g do not display or distribute any resources produced
by formula manufacturers)
- display posters and written materials with positive breastfeeding
images and messages (e.g. avoid using feeding bottle symbols to
represent infant feeding)
- ensure staff are familiar with the "Ten Steps to Successful
Breastfeeding" and "The Seven Point Plan for the Protection,
Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding in Community Health Services."
- ensure formula industry samples and gifts-including free
formula-are not distributed by staff to pregnant women and
new mothers
- encourage staff to express positive and enthusiastic attitudes
towards breastfeeding
- support those, including staff, who wish to breastfeed
in the workplace
- Encourage your agency to provide breastfeeding education to all staff/volunteers