Formula Samples - What's the Problem?
Free samples of infant formula, coupons for formula, and the promotion
of special 'baby clubs' are common in Canada. Pregnant women and new moms
are bombarded by formula advertising in popular pregnancy and parenting
magazines, at the grocery store, at doctors' offices and in the mail.
There is usually a small disclaimer saying breastfeeding is preferred,
but most experts agree that the disclaimer does not balance the impact
of the formula advertising. One study found that women exposed to commercial
information about formula were five times more likely to stop breastfeeding
before they even left the hospital.
When women were contacted six weeks after their baby's birth, as part
of the Simcoe County
Infant Feeding Survey, 53% reported that they had been given formula
samples. Most mothers got these samples in the mail or from their hospital.
Of those who received formula samples, nearly half (46%) reported using